Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tracker School

I just spent an hour on youtube surfing for Tom Brown Jr and Tracker School videos. Someone posted a vid on one of the schools yahoo groups and there was more!! I even saw one filmed at the farm where I took my standard.

Makes me home sick seeing all those debris huts, muddied bare foot people and the woods!!!

Well, as my kids get a little bigger, I will be able to take them out into the woods. And this fishy will once again swim through the forest.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Ahhhh... Nap time. May favorite time of the day. The few minutes I get to myself in a day that usually starts around 5am and ends around 8pm. But they are worth it.

Here are Phelan (2 1/2) and Cleo (4 mos) in thier Christmas jammies.

Giving it a try

Never seeming to have the time to journal these days. And so I thought I'd give this at try. I still hope to journal old school (love the way the ink flows onto paper and the feel of the leather bindings in my hands) but maybe this way I can get some of my thoughts and feelings down before having them lost to time and small children.