Friday, November 27, 2009

Baskets of Homemade Goodness

These are two baskets I made. One for a fundraiser and one as a wedding gift. Both baskets are recycled with bags and coffee filters made from scrap fabrics filled with home canned items such as blackberry jam, pickles, tomato sauce and apple butter.


Somewhere within the boogy stained shirts and dirty hair is a craftswoman. Creative & artistic I have sometimes thought myself to be. Dedicated to my children and wanting to stay home with them while they are still small I am trying to get back to crafting again in hopes of selling my wares. So, I have decided to start posting my creations here as a ways of documenting them. Starting with my Thanksgiving table.
This year my sister has just moved North to Oregon and my parents decided to have Thanksgiving there with her in her new lovely place. 160 acres of pasture and woods. So, here at Gormley Keep it was just going to be Hubby, myself, Phelan, Cleo and my two brothers. Mark and Michael.
And thank goodness for that!! Have I mentioned that this household has pretty much beeen sick for the previous two weeks?? So, a very low key holiday was planned.

I had no intention of decorating the table, but when I looked out the window that morning I saw a few lovely roses blooming and took the kids ourside to collect them for our table, then we added rosemary, which was also blooming, and mint... then we saw all these lovely fallen leaves and collected those up as well as some pink peppers. Tossed on the table with the little felted witch my hubby won at a fundraiser and here it is! I am regretting not folding the napkins a little nicer, but all in all it really set the tone for a lovely meal.

What I am grateful for this year..... My amazingly beautiful children, my hardworking husband, my mother and father, my friends who inspire me, love me, support me, and challenge me. The bounty of nature.