Friday, April 2, 2010

I think I need a 12-step program....

... or maybe I'm just egg-citedly egg-centric?

I love coloring eggs. And can get a little out of control especially when there are wee ones about to egg-courage me.

Having a couple of friends over was the perfect egg-cuse to get the dye out of the closet and get the mixin' going'!

Later that day while visiting the Eisley's and dipping even more eggs, Ben got a chance to play easter bunny for the younger boys. See Holly White-Wolfe's article: Egg dying - fun family tradition for Spring.

Even little Cleo has to get in a dip or two while working on her afternoon snack.

But seriously folks...............

Here we have the hollow blown eggs (the Easter Bunny will fill these with confetti or maybe some chocolate covered rasins before sneaking them out to the yard.)

Next are the raw eggs. (Yes, I even dye the raw ones.... why not? The dye is already made.) And finally the hard boiled ones. (Two dozen of these babies. Oh, my kids *love* hard boiled eggs. It is thier favorite breakfast.)
A total of approximately 3 dozen eggs.

I bought the color last year after Easter at 50% off ($.49 a package!) and it has been the best entertainment for the last two days. And besides, the eggs become artwork in their own right..... I mean, really, look at the color and texture.... and then you can eat it!
Oh, one last egg.

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